santa-clarita review

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, I really need to tell you about this colour!

By April 2, 2022 No Comments

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, I really need to tell you about this colour!

Candy Yum Yum

Seriously, I’ve made it my mission to make lipsticks more popular, and thus myself need to have an ample supply! I saw the ad for the newest MAC line ‘Quite Cute’ about two weeks ago and knew right away it was something I had to check out. Yesterday I stumbled into MAC after class with a couple friends, and was drawn right over to the display, the ‘Candy Yum-Yum’ lipstick calling my name. Upon trying out pretty much everything in this line, I have my own personal favourite here for you to check out.

?? Overall, i just think this line is really timely and cute. There’s nothing worse (for me) than the constant lack of ‘special addition’ MAC items that are more on the fun side. I love that MAC is a well stocked brand that you can always go to and find something you love at, but it’s nice that occasionally they throw some icing on top of that give you something this bright. Browns, greys, and rusts are fine, but every once in a while a girl’s gotta have her pink!

Why Your Lashes Aren’t Listening!

Anyone who wears makeup, be it fully glammed up to barely any (ever) will tell you that if they could choose only one cosmetic product to take to a dessert island, it would be their mascara. Mascara is great because it’s one of the base products we have that no matter what can ONLY enhance our natural beauty. So of course, if you’re appart of the makeup wearing crowd, you’ll have a tube of it laying around somewhere.

The point of coating our lashes is to lengthen, thicken, seperate, and make it seem as though we have more than we already do (traditionally, lashes are meant to act like guide lines, drawing attention into our eyes). The problem is more often than not, we get sucked in by ads for some new mascara that is ‘so much better than the one we already have’ (offering to instantly give us amazingly defined, thich, and lush lashes), even though in reality, the girls are wearing false lashes and the mascara probably isn’t that amazing.

So, here is where I give you the truth on why your lashes aren’t quite looking the way they do on TV, and a customizeable way to fix this.

To be honest, if you don’t already have ‘va-va-va-voom’ giant lashes to start out with, no ammount of building and product is going to make them look five times bigger. The key is to work with what you have and build off that in a realistic way. Since lashes (just like our hair) grow in a cycle, it’s natural for us to have short, medium, and long lash lengths. It’s also natural for lashes to fall out occasionally, as a new one will soon take it’s place. Though if you do notice your lashes are lacking a bit, a simple solution such as taking silica is pretty effective. Silica is a daily vitamin you can take, that is one of the key building blocks for hair. A diet, rich in silica, calcium and iron, will help reduce or prevent lash loss. Raw oats provide natural silica. On the other hand, another option is caster oil which can be purchased from your local pharmacy for under $4 (including tax). This is a topical product that you would massage into your lashes two to three times a week overnight to boost hair growth. It’s also nice because you can use it on your nail beds, and roots of your hair, or eyebrows to stimulate hair follicals and fill in sparce areas. I used it for a couple weeks on the head of one of my brows that was slightly off from the other, and it worked like a charm.


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