AdultFriendFinder review

Our Results After Using SexSearch Over 3 Months: Is SexSearch Legit?

By July 23, 2022 No Comments

Our Results After Using SexSearch Over 3 Months: Is SexSearch Legit?


Sexsearch is the kind of website we’re always HOPING to find when we’re looking through sex dating websites. It’s always nice to see a site like this when we’re doing a review, because it’s an unexpected pleasure instead of the much more likely other way around.

Not only did we actually get laid and meet lots of women on SexSearch, we actually enjoyed ourselves. That’s too rare during a lot of our reviews, but not with our Sexsearch review.

So, is SexSearch right for you? Let’s take a closer look at this site and see if we can recommend it for everyone, or whether we’re going to hold out and keep it all to ourselves.

SexSearch is one of the most comprehensive sites we’ve ever used, as well as being one of the most intuitive and easy to use. This was just a great site design-wise from beginning to end.

Content-wise, we were really impressed with the amount of girls we found using this site. It never felt like we were sending out emails to no one-there always seemed to be women who were living close by, ready to meet up for sex, and their profiles were usually active.

These weren’t snobbish women, either. These are women that we were very excited about meeting, and we were right to be excited.

During our SexSearch review, we sent out 500 emails to women. This was over a period of three months, and we wanted to make sure we got a fantastic sampling basis.

During a review of a sex dating site, we usually hope for above 50 percent in responses. In other words, we were hoping to get at least 250 responses out of the 500 women that we emailed.

We got back a fantastic 402 responses! This is over 80 percent as a success adultfriendfinder password rate, making this easily the best site we tested. Our results proved that immediately.

We set up dates with 31 women, although only 27 of them showed up. That was still a great percentage for the amount of women we contacted.

Not to kiss and tell, but we had “happy endings” with 19 of those women over the three months of our SexSearch review. We didn’t find any Sexsearch scams, and are forced to conclude that this website is very legit.

The Top 3 Messages That Got The Best Responses On SexSearch

Email 1: “Hi, Jenny. I love the new look you’re rocking in your most recent profile pictures. Have to say, though, what really caught my attention was the way you listed fencing as your favorite sport. I’ve never found anyone else on here who knew which end of the foil to hold! Really takes me back to the glory days.”

Email 2: “Hi, Calli. I bet most of the men who contact you talk about your striking green eyes. In fact, I’ll bet you a pint. You seem like a girl with a healthy competitive streak, judging from your taste in sports. When can I collect?”

Email 3: “Hi, AJ. I have to say, I’m impressed-I don’t think I’ve seen anyone put quite as much thought into their profile as you obviously do. Are you always so wordy, or is that just a delightful occasional treat?”

We Loved SexSearch And With Good Reason! Some Of the SexSearch Features We Loved

One thing we love about Sexsearch is the sorting algorithm. We loved how aggressively it sorts by the girls who are currently online, which makes it really easy to see how many women are currently interested in meeting up for sex in London.

We also love the way the site keeps track of every message sent-but it’s easy to wipe them if you’re worried something will get noticed. Even some great sites aren’t that good at making a great messaging system, but this one hits the nail on the head.

Get Noticed In A Good Way On Sexsearch With Our Secret Dating Tactics

Usually, we recommend that you don’t sign in to a dating or sex dating site every day. Signing in every day makes it seem like you have nothing better to do, and you want to make sure you maintain an air of coolness and the persona of a busy, successful man.

OnSexsearch , you should sign in at least once a day. This is a site where you’re ranked according to how recently you have been online, so make sure you take advantage of that. Making it look like you’re available frequently will make women more eager to contact you-they’ll think you’re just as excited to hook up as they are.

Another thing we recommend on this site is being classy in your photos. We’ve seen way too many men who fail at dating on this site because they put up pictures of themselves in the nude.

Nobody’s Perfect: SexSearch Things We Didn’t Love

If there’s one thing we could change about Sexsearch , it’s the fact that you drop almost immediately off the search rankings if you’re off of the site for even a few days. While we appreciate knowing that the girls we’re seeing are online and looking for love, there’s the fact that if you want to meet the right girl and she’s not on the site daily, you’ll have to check back many times a week or risk missing her.

If there were a second thing we had to change, sometimes the interface will take a long time to load. It seems like this is a site that has grown quite a bit over the past few years, and could use the transition to larger servers. We only noticed this during peak hours of traffic.

Our Final SexSearch Review: The Last Word On Using Sexsearch To Meet Women

In conclusion, we had a fantastic time on Sexsearch . This was a site that took care of us very well, and we met more women than on any other site we tried.


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